Sunday, May 08, 2005
Some Reality (TV) Check...
I had a roller coaster of emotions regarding the results of my top three TV shows:
First, I am disappointed when Steph, the lone Ulong cast away, was voted out of Survivor. For me, she is the only one in the remaining 7 survivors who was playing the game (well, Coby also did but he was voted off earlier). To bad Steph wasn’t able to win any immunity challenges, increasing her chances of being in the chopping block. Having said so, the 6 original Koror members were unanimous in writing Steph’s ame on the parchment. Hmm…this leaves me with Tom as my primary bet. Basta ‘wag lang si Jenn!
On the other hand, I am extremely happy that Scott Savol, a.k.a. “Scottie the body” (he reminds me of Dragonball’s Majinboo…)!!! Yehey!!! I bet millions of
American Idol fans jumped of their seats when “arrogant oinker” said goodbye to the show. Simon was right when he tagged Scott as “Houdini”, talking about the contestant’s many escapes (from Nicko Smith onwards, the Idol on Fox Community was unified in the “please don’t vote for Scott” campaign). But unfortunately, the contest had to loose way-better contestants like Anwar and Constantine way before getting rid of Scott. I give the props to Simon for giving compliments to Scott, and telling Vonzell that she was vulnerable, the eve the earlier was voted out. This “unlikely” comments from Cowell might have caused the audience to think that Scott was “safe” and instead voted for Vonzell, giving her another week to win my(/our) heart with her great performances…
Finally, I was almost in tears when Meredith and Gretchen were eliminated from The Amazing Race. For some reason, I love them, both as a couple and as contestants of the race. They are so kid and humble and they played fair. We have seen in previous episodes that they won the hearts of many people all over the course of their adventure (most especially in India). For the record, Meredith and Gretchen are the oldest team to finish a total of 10 legs of the race. I was moved when Meredith said “This is an amazing woman. She’s the love of my life and my soul mate. I think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.” Gretchen: “We are so happy we came this far. All the things we’ve been able to do and friendships that we’ve made, it’s just been a totally incredible experience for the two of us.” Aww…
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